Sunday, January 4, 2009

Resolutions anyone?

I don't really make resolutions, but there is something very tempting about a new blank calendar (literally and figuratively) that makes me want to clean, organize and try to do a better job in the parts of my life that I neglect.

Eating healthier and exercising are probably the most frequently named resolutions among most of my friends. The problem for many of us is not getting started, but maintaining the enthusiasm to keep going when we hit snags or plateaus. That problem derails most resolutions. I am taking cues from programs that have worked in the past and adding my own spin to hopefully create something that works for me. Not necessarily an easy out or a short cut, but setting myself up to succeed instead of fail.

Reorganizing both my rooms and my crafts led me to move this triple tiered knitting stand from my bedroom to the main floor where it will travel with me from living room to family room. When my younger son gave it to me years ago, it went in my bedroom where I typically sat and knitted in the evening while watching TV or listening to music. Now that hubby and I have the house to ourselves again, I have a TV downstairs to watch when I don't share an interest in what he is viewing. It isn't just holding knitting now. The top basket has my current knitting project, the middle has some cross stitch that was meant to be finished for Christmas this year (oops!), and the bottom basket has the next book I will read, Wally Lamb's The Hour I First Believed.

When I am not reading recipes or cooking, I can exercise by carrying this stand around. Hey! If I keep exercising my fingers with the knitting and cross stitch, just think how slim they will be!


andrea said...

i bought the same book for Ashleigh for Christmas - she hasn't started reading it yet, so i did; we'll have to compare our thoughts as we read through it.

The Urban Chic said...

Knit, I have a white thingy like yours, but it's used for guest towels and things.
My New Year's resolution is just to smile more and be kind. I was going to de-clutter but every time I get rid of something, I seem to be able to use it for something---so that flew out the window--QUICK!
Hope you can keep yours. That book looks like it would be a good read. Happy New Year, love and hugs, Pat