Friday, January 9, 2009

Do birds line dance?

I've been having an edgy, annoying week. You know the major catastrophes, but you find yourself wondering what else can wrong. I realized this morning that I hadn't felt like posting anything since the weekend because of my mood. I am not moody or pessimistic by nature so it was time to take Mary Englebreit's advice

While I was clearing the walk from the house to the garage, I noticed these tracks on the railroad tie that edges a flower bed. My first thought was that it looked like a border pattern that would be repeated on dishes, or maybe a quilting stencil.

I looked a bit further and saw this. What do you think happened? Do birds slip? Was there a territorial spat over whose railroad tie this was?

I think it was a bird line dancing. I'm sure my foot prints look that confusing when I do the Hustle. Oh wait! I recognize those steps!! The bird was doing the Chicken Dance!!!

Got that tune stuck in your head now?

There is a winter weather advisory forecasting as much as 10 inches of snow by tomorrow afternoon. I will not be outside line dancing or anything else. It already feels like winter is 4 months old and we aren't at the halfway mark yet.

I used to think this snowflake hanging in my family room window was cute.

I could wipe that smirk off his little plastic face, but Mary Englebreit would be so disappointed in me.


andrea said...

Glad to have you back; I was getting worried! I, too, am SICK of the snow!!! Please stay snapped out of it - I miss it when you don't post :)

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Cute post Knitty!