Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Moaning

Lettuce begin the week on a healthy note. I hope you relish these veggie photo puns. Do me a fava, they really can't be beet so don't turnip your nose at them or try to squash a smile. Chive got a feeling I should stop now, so I yam.


There is no caption for this last one, but I'm including it for my knitting friends. I don't know what the wool would be like from cauliflower sheep, but they sure are cute, don't ewe think?



Sewconsult said...

Thoroughly enjoyed these puns. And for what it's worth, I am going to ask the local TV stations to put me on salary for being their remote weather forecaster. My head hurt so badly yesterday, only to turn the 10 news to find that a BAD storm front was heading our way. Well, DUH! Of course it is, my head told me so!

Debbie said...

You made me laugh out loud this morning! I think my favorite was Iceberg! Iceberg!