Saturday, March 16, 2013

No news, weather or traffic for you

It is Saturday, the day before St Patrick's Day and should be a reason to rejoice, but my head feels like the day after the holiday for one who consumed way too much beer, green or otherwise. Did I drink yesterday or the day before? No. I rarely drink alcohol. I get more than one person's share of headaches thanks to being a human barometer.

Before birth, I think I asked to be such a stunning beauty that any man not worthy of me of would wither and ache with longing. Somehow I didn't phrase that request correctly or merely got in the wrong line. Instead I got weather (not wither) headaches that stun (not in a good way) and last a long time. I should have been a meteorologist. My headaches are more accurate than Doppler readings on the local channels.

I could give you traffic updates too, but according to Hermione (the name of my Chevy HHR) I drive around in circles, not venturing far from home.  That isn't my fault though. She has a mind of her own and if she wants to pull into craft stores, yarn shops, or my favorite restaurants, who am I to squelch her? She struggles with going to Kroger though and I can't say that I blame her.

I will never claim to bring you what passes for news on most TV stations. It is usually depressing. When it isn't serious but still news-worthy, it seems to be filled with stories of people all too willing to show the world how stupid and low class they are, and proud of it. But enough about Washington politics. 


In my ongoing effort to bring you happiness, here to brighten your day is a video of what security cameras sometimes catch:

Happy St Patrick's Day!  Happy Weekend! Happy Almost Spring!  and I'm happy you stopped by to read here!


Blondie's Journal said...

Hi Knitty! Sorry about the headaches and I agree with you on the Washington politics!! Sadly, your video did not show up. I'll pop by later.


Chatty Crone said...

I just loved that - Love everybody - isn't that the truth? sandie

michelle said...

So am I. :)