Thursday, August 21, 2008


Do we all live with contradictions?

I have beautiful teacups

But I mainly drink coffee

I have a room dedicated to crafts with counters and cabinets, yet where am I working right now?

Look....I can't get in my sewing room to take a picture! Hopefully our son will close on his house early next week and we can start moving things to his basement. We don't have a basement. That isn't a problem for me...Usually.

I have never canned vegetables or fruit, but this is my favorite quilt at the moment

If I never encountered snow again (December 24th and 25th would be ok, but keep it off the pavement), I would be happy but look what I collect. These are only some of the snowmen. Others are packed away in the attic until winter or are further in the sewing room than my camera can reach.

After years of having short hair, I grew mine out and today it is pulled back with a long clip. That isn't worth a photo, trust me.

And lastly, I should be working on that baby quilt that is bunched up on my couch, but I am playing here instead. I wonder if my picture appears in the dictionary next to the word "contradiction" ?


andrea said...

I'm quite sure that your picture would appear next to the word "normal" (and I mean that in the kindest sense of the word :) )...we all do crazy things like that! How is the exhibit going? I miss you!!!

Knitty said...

The exhibit closes tomorrow. I tried going back on Friday, not realizing it was Bath City Festival time in Mount Clemens. One way streets are bad enough, but many of them were closed off and the parking lots were full so I came home. Maybe today I will get back to take more photos.

Maybe we can meet for lunch after the kids are in school if you're comfortable taking the baby out.

Rosie : ) said...

That is too funny. :) We do live in a contradictory world.