Thursday, July 23, 2009

Simple Thanks

Sometimes an inspirational message comes from an unlikely source. I have bought a few items from Femail Creations over the years and get their print catalog and occasional emails. The items I have purchased have been funny rather than serious or spiritual. Here is an example of what I bought a few years ago followed by the publisher's description.

Product Description
For the middle-aged woman who is tired of the realities of growing older, Victoria's Rejects presents a refreshing new outlook. This hilarious catalogue offers a wealth of outrageous products which promise to reverse the hands of time and return aging baby boomers to their former youthful glory. Victoria's Rejects is guaranteed to restore any woman's sense of humor despite the multiple indignities of aging.
(This book is no longer available through Femail Creations, but is available through Amazon. )

Usually humor, the wackier the better, is what appeals to me but yesterday's email really touched me. This came from the CEO of Femail Creations. As far as I can tell, they don't even sell this book, she just wanted to get the word out. I couldn't embed the video, so after reading Lisa's introduction, click on the link below. The video only runs 2.5 minutes, but I think you will enjoy it.
Dear Femails,
I have something simple, yet life
changing to share with you. So many
of us are going through what feels
like a very steep climb right now.
Yet, Vivan Greene’s quote reminds us,
“Life is not about waiting for the storm
to pass… it’s about learning how to dance
in the rain!”

And now my dear friend BJ Gallagher
has written an uplifting book about the
power of gratitude inspired by this very
quote, called Learning to Dance in the Rain.

I am honored to share this incredible video
with you and hope you will share it with
others. We are a community of women
and together we can uplift each other!
Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO & Founder of Femail Creations
Video is here

May we all have a blessed day.


Blondie's Journal said...

The video is incredibly uplifting. I am interested in the book...

I used to receive the catalog for years...even ordered some "inspirational" jewelry for my daughters to help them celebrate the power of their "femaleness"! Great women artisans featured and Lisa is a very down to earth person.

Thanks for sharing the video and catalog with everyone. Their items make perfect gifts (even for yourself!)


SmilingSally said...

I reviewed this funny book here: