Have I been procrastinating all week? Nah, I think someone is messing with the space time compendium again. I hate when they do that.
I am baking cakes for a terrific great-nephew who is turning 4 this weekend. He requested a skateboard cake. With luck, it will turn out well and I'll have a picture of it tomorrow. It consists of a 13x9 cake and round layer cake cut in half to add to both ends to mimic the shape of a skateboard. The rectangular cake is cooling, the round layer is baking. These are chocolate. Another 13x9 cake will be baked next, a yellow cake that will have 4 plastic skateboards on it and his name and birthday greeting. One cake is never enough when everyone is together and splitting the flavors accommodates almost everyone's tastes. Baking the cakes today isn't procrastinating as the party is tomorrow.
On Sunday, hubby and I are going out of town for a few days. (That loud WooooHoooo! you heard a few weeks ago was me) I have pulled out clothes for a warmer climate, washed them and folded them. I am trying not to pack everything I own and talking myself out of ridiculous scenarios. What if we go to a 5 star restaurant with a dress code? If I take a black dress, I'll need different shoes and a purse, and jewelry and undies and...and...and... and who am I kidding? Hubby is going to FL to golf and I am going along to get out of town for a few days!
Casual slacks? Check
Dressier slacks? Check
2 pair of shorts? Check
Appropriate tops, undies, socks, jewelry? Check
Knitting project, 3 paperbacks, camera, laptop? Check
Space left in bag in case I just HAVE to shop while in Florida? Hmmmm, maybe I should go with a bigger bag.
Before starting the cakes today I had to take care of banking. Why did my car turn into Meijer's on the way home? Oh yeah, Bill wanted shoe polish for his golf shoes. I had to walk through the women's department to get to the shoe polish. Guess who came home with four new tops and new sleepwear?
I took the time to try the clothes on in the store. Two of the tops need to be shortened. I am not short, I am 5'6". Why do they make shirts almost long enough to be a mini dress? I could sew a snap to the middle of the front and back of the shirt and have a body suit! Do I take the tops that are folding and waiting upstairs or do I shorten the new ones because I am like a little kid who wants to wear the new stuff NOW?

Gee, as long as I have the sewing machine out, maybe I should make a purse to coordinate with the black and beige slacks and shorts that I am taking.
But first I have to wrap the birthday boy's gifts to make room to sew. And finish the valentines I started a few days ago.
I suppose Bill will want dinner tonight, no matter how busy I
pretend I am.
* Sigh *
There is just no rest for a craft-addicted, computer junkie, flibberty-jibbet.
But there sure is fun!