Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Technology 7; Knitty 0

Technology is beating me. Not only did it score a touchdown by driving me crazy, it made the extra point by bringing on a tear or two of frustration. The fact that I am using football analogies should be proof of how far over the edge I am.
According to Blogger Buzz as of two weeks ago, they are excited about the positive feedback they've received over Dynamic Views and those of waiting for "gadget support" should stay tuned. I haven't made any changes and yet my problems began at the time of that announcement. What a coincidence!

Have you successfully gotten help from Blogger? Their support board is people like us helping others. If someone hasn't had your problem or doesn't see your post because it sank to page 8 while others are posting about their own headaches, you are SOL and I don't mean Sorry Ole Lady. I finally found a way to contact Blogger and am waiting to hear back. I was polite even though I felt like the following women:
I suspect my iPad issues are connected to this too. Others are reporting the same error message but nobody seems to have an answer.
I appreciate the suggestions I've received in comments and emails. So far they haven't cured the problem but I keep trying. This morning I upgraded Firefox because I have been using the old 3.6 version to the latest, version 8. I had upgraded once before and had all sorts of problems and went back to 3.6.  The first thing I checked after the upgrade was Blogger. Nope. That didn't solve my problems here. I can't upload a picture from my computer to the sidebar layout. I can't change the background to one from my computer no matter which template I use. Both attempts tell me they can't be completed because of an internal error.

Next I went to a message board that I visit daily. I am one of the administrators there and yesterday added new "clickable smilies" that we use in our replies. It all worked great yesterday. Today none of the them were clickable for me. Neither were the buttons for Bold or Italics. I checked another board that I visit that is built on a different platform (like comparing Blogger to Word Press). Everything worked there. I've returned to Firefox 3.6.

While I realize those problems might not be understood to some readers here, I bet we all recognize computer frustration. We've all felt it over one issue or another. The images I've used in today's post were all found by searching "computer frustration"!
I don't plan to write about this again unless I hear something from Blogger or Firefox that might help someone else.

To prove that I've done more than hit the computer, swear and cry lately, here is a repaired dining chair that hubby and I have worked on for our older son and his wife. Sorry that the photo is small and the background is cluttered. I took the photo in the garage with my phone. I had intentions of getting another photo with my camera but the chair was on its way home before I was ready. Bill had to repair damage done by a long ago dog who thought the frame and seat were chew toys.

And lastly, a just for fun photo of my grandson. This has nothing to do with computers, football, chairs, anything worrisome or truthfully, about anything at all. He has discovered that his nose is more than a bump on his face to point to when someone asks where his nose is. It has holes in it! Two of them!!


Unknown said...

Sorry your technology problems have caused such a pain in the rear. I walk away often from the computer to keep from chucking it out the window. Your grandson is absolutely adorable!

Chatty Crone said...


Blogger should put out a self help number or email so that you can get help - that is ridiculous - you have to be available to help your people.
