There is something so hopeful and exciting about the start of a new school year. New things to learn, new friends to be made, and new experiences await. I miss their elementary days the most. Not because they were truly excited to go back, not because they shared their days with me when they got home after 3:00, and not because I could stay a step ahead of them on their math homework. What was it about elementary days? Crayons! Crayola crayons to be exact. As far as I am concerned, there aren't any other brands.
The colors! The smell! The built in sharpener on the 64 pack!!! It doesn't take much to make me happy.
To be completely honest about this back to school business, I don't miss filling out forms, writing checks for six different clubs/activities/security deposits all due by Friday, and most of all I don't miss packing lunches or encouraging older kids to spend their lunch money on know, something an adult would consider lunch, not candy and soft drinks as were readily available when my kids were in middle school and high school.
But the crayons! Oh, be still my Radical Red heart! To go shopping on an August afternoon with a Lemon Yellow sun in Cornflower Blue sky and spend a few Fern Green dollars on boxes of waxy happiness!
* Sigh *
Kind of makes you wonder how many crayons I sniffed in my formative years, doesn't it? Just think if I had an affinity for school paste! Which reminds me, did all of you grow up with little jars of paste in your desk while in elementary school?
Was there an unwritten rule that each class would have one child, usually a boy in my experience, that ate paste? Billy L from Mrs Weatherly's class, if you're reading this, I hope you grew up healthy despite the amount of this stuff you consumed that year.
My grandson won't be going to school for a few years yet but he does have crayons here, both jumbo sized for little hands and triangular ones that won't roll all over. I can't wait for him to be ready for coloring books!
I just noticed how beautiful the sun is today. And the sky is a very pretty blue. I have a few singles in my wallet from last week's garage sale and need to go to Target for a few things. I just might need to get myself a new box of crayons, maybe the 96 count pack!
See you at recess!
As you know, I still LOVE to color. heehee and you are so right, no other brand but crayola will do.
The only bad part about school shopping is the cost. We spent over $100 for Wallene [9th grade] and that didn't include a new backpack or her graphing calculator. It is insane.
What a nice walk down memory lane!! I, too, love the smell of crayons and I have forgotten most of the names of the colors. I keep a box and some coloring books for my nieces and nephews here and I love watching them get absorbed in their coloring. It beats any toy around!
Good memories (although I am going through it again). Loved the way you used your crayon to color your name! Sandie
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